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Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Migraines?

Written By Eldorado Chiropractic on January 17, 2024

a man with a migraine

If frequent migraines are preventing you from living a happy, healthy life, a chiropractor may be able to help. At Eldorado Chiropractic, our chiropractor Dr. Scott Dawson has over 20 years of experience treating patients with chronic conditions like migraines. His goal is to provide safe, effective, drug-free migraine treatment in McKinney, TX. Chiropractic care utilizes therapies that stimulate the body’s own natural healing processes without relying on dangerous prescription medications. Dr. Dawson can relieve migraine pain and other symptoms, improve your quality of life and overall health, and even help you prevent future migraines.

What Is a Migraine? 

A migraine is a neurological condition that causes multiple symptoms that can last for days. There is no cure for migraines, and some people get them every day while others may only get one or two per year. There are a variety of treatment options that address specific migraine symptoms and can help you find relief once a migraine has already started. However, Dr. Dawson is committed to helping you understand what causes your migraines so that you have a better chance of preventing them.

What Causes Migraines?

There is no universal cause of migraine headaches. However, migraines can be triggered by a variety of biological, physical, and environmental factors. Understanding what triggers your migraines can help you avoid or prevent future attacks. The most common migraine triggers in adults are:

  • Stress
  • Loud noises
  • Strong smells
  • Bright or flashing lights
  • Low blood sugar
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Medication overuse or side effects of medication
  • Alcohol overuse or alcohol withdrawal
  • Caffeine overuse or caffeine withdrawal
  • Hormonal changes
  • Changes in weather conditions
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue or sleep disorders

How Do Chiropractors Treat Migraines?

Dr. Dawson will do a complete physical examination and go over your medical history. He will discuss your symptoms, lifestyle, and work and home environments. He may ask you to keep a journal to record as much information as possible before, during, and after your migraines so that we can help you determine your migraine triggers. We will then design a personalized treatment program designed to address symptoms and prevent future migraines. We will recommend a combination of therapies, including chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises and stretches, stress management, diet and nutrition counseling, lifestyle modification, and workplace ergonomics.

Find Relief From Migraines in McKinney, TX

Don’t suffer through another day of migraine headaches. At Eldorado Chiropractic, Dr. Dawson and his team can help you find relief from migraines. We can help you uncover your migraine triggers, treat pain and other migraine symptoms, and reduce your risk of future migraines. Request your appointment today. 

Posted In: Migraine Treatment